New Video



During the slowdown of the pandemic, I immersed myself in music. As a singer-songwriter who bridges the gap between Munich and Buenos Aires, I explore various social issues in my songs. With eight tracks that mix Latin American protest songs, Latin pop and bossa nova, the result is "La Búsqueda", an album that reflects my musical journey. This endeavor led to the creation of my solo project "Encantada".

Gefördert durch den MUNICH MUSIC BOOSTER der Feierwerk Fachstelle Pop – ermöglicht durch Fördermittel des Kulturreferats der Landeshauptstadt München

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Lates Single ReLease "Paz"

This song was born during my Erasmus in the year 2022 in Salamanca, in a room of 11m², without window and with covid. It arises from wanting to capture the emotions when observing our so absurd humanity. I hope you enjoy it and that it reaches you.


Studio 12
December 17, 2023
Passau, Ge
Bahnwärter Thiel
December 18, 2023
Munich, GE
December 20, 2023
Munich, GE


A little insight into the videos I had the pleasure to record

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